Collaborative Divorce
Based in Gig Harbor, Felicia Soleil is a collaborative divorce professional and mediator who recognizes that the adversarial system rarely promotes amicable, peaceful proceedings. Through collaborative practice and mediation, she provides an arena in which conflicting parties can work together in a positive environment to reach solid, workable, beneficial agreements. Such agreements are binding and enforceable, yet the process does not lead to the animosity and bitterness, or the large legal bills, which are often the byproducts of lengthy, contentious litigation.
What is a Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative Divorce is a process with established protocols providing an opportunity for parties to work through their divorce or legal separation in a respectful, non-adversarial manner without court intervention. Both parties retain collaboratively trained attorneys and the work is done in a series of four-way meetings, focusing on identifying key issues, freely exchanging relevant information, brainstorming options, problem-solving, and ultimately reaching resolution to achieve a full settlement. The Collaborative Process is a very effective model for not only lower conflict parties, but also for more difficult cases because of the ability of the professionals to create a supportive team that can manage the conflict rather than escalate it.
The Collaborative Divorce Process
At the onset of their case, both parties and their attorneys sign a Participation Agreement which emphasizes that all participants are acting in good faith, agree to be respectful, agree to focus on needs and interests rather than positions, and pledge to not threaten to go to court or actually engage the court during any difficult moments that may arise during negotiations. In addition to collaboratively trained lawyers, the parties may also engage other collaborative professionals such as child specialists, divorce coaches, and/or financial specialists, all of whom are specifically trained to help support the parties as they proceed through this important transition.
Experienced Assistance in Collaborative Divorce
In collaborative divorce, the key to success is the willingness of all parties and their attorneys to commit to the process. Felicia Malsby is a co-founder and past 3-year President of the statewide Collaborative Professionals of Washington (CPW), as well as founder and first President of Collaborative Law Professionals of Pierce County (CLPPC). To learn if collaborative practice offers an appropriate solution to your family law dispute, please call Family Law Resolutions at (253) 853-6940 to schedule a confidential consultation.